Ahojte baby
dnes Vám prinášam opäť recenziu zo oblasti kórejskej kozmetiky. Našla som ešte neodskúšanú značku a to It´s Skin. Preto som hneď siahla po séru s obsahom Aloe vera. Sérum je určené pre citlivú pleť, ale je vhodné aj na mastnú a suchú. Obsahuje: extrakt z aloe vera, výťažok z melóna, uhorky a avokáda. Zvyšuje elasticitu pleti, stimuluje obnovu buniek, eliminuje začervenanie a podráždenie a spomaľuje proces starnutia.
Today´s review is also oriented on Korean cosmetics. This year I discovered new online shop koreankosmetika.cz, which focuses on selling Korean cosmetics. I´ve found there new brand (It´s Skin) I haven´t tried yet. That's why I´ve bought a serum containing Aloe Vera. Serum is suitable for sensitive skin, but it is also suitable for oily and dry skin. It contains: aloe vera extract, melon extract, cucumber and avocado extracts. It increases skin elasticity, stimulates cell renewal, eliminates redness and irritation, and slows down the aging process.
Sérum sa nachádza v matnej sklenej fľaštičke s pumpičkou. 40 ml balenie stojí 560 Kč čo je v prepočte cca 21 eur. Séra zvyknú byť dosť drahé, takže cena je celkom v pohode.
The serum is in a glass bottle with a pump. The 40 ml package costs 560 CZK which is about 21 EUR. Serum use to be expensive, so this one it quite affordable.
The serum is in a glass bottle with a pump. The 40 ml package costs 560 CZK which is about 21 EUR. Serum use to be expensive, so this one it quite affordable.
Vďaka pumpičke je aplikácia veľmi jednoduchá. Na celú tvár mi vystačí jedna pumpička. Sérum sa nanáša po umytí tváre, aplikácii tonika a pred nočným, alebo denným krémom. Samotné sérum je čírej zelenkavej farby. Má veľmi príjemnú jemnú vôňu. Na pleti sa dobre rozotiera a má jemný chladivý a upokojujúci účinok. Je perfektné ak máte podráždenú pokožku, alebo akné. Aloe Vera je totižto ako liek na podobné problémy.
The application is very simple and easy thanks to the pump. One pump si enough for my whole face. The serum is applied after washing the face, tonic application and before the night cream or daily cream. The serum itself is pure greenish color. It has a very pleasant fine scent. It applies very well on the skin and it has a gentle cooling and soothing effect. It´s perfect if you have irritated skin or acne. Because Aloe Vera is a medicine for similar problems and many others.
The application is very simple and easy thanks to the pump. One pump si enough for my whole face. The serum is applied after washing the face, tonic application and before the night cream or daily cream. The serum itself is pure greenish color. It has a very pleasant fine scent. It applies very well on the skin and it has a gentle cooling and soothing effect. It´s perfect if you have irritated skin or acne. Because Aloe Vera is a medicine for similar problems and many others.
Do pleti sa však vstrebáva veľmi pomaly a zanecháva na pleti dosť dlho lepkavý pocit. A toto ja neznášam. Sérum má pôsobiť vo vnútri pleti a nemá ostať na povrchu a už vôbec nemá byť lepkavé. Pokiaľ ste ako ja a máte na takéto veci ´´alergiu´´, tak Vám toto sérum asi nebude veľmi vyhovovať.
However, it absorbs to the skin very slowly and it leaves a sticky feeling on the skin. And I hate when products does this. Serum should work inside the skin and it shouldn´t sit on my skin and make it feel sticky. If you are like me and you have a'' allergy '' for such things, then this serum may not be for you.
However, it absorbs to the skin very slowly and it leaves a sticky feeling on the skin. And I hate when products does this. Serum should work inside the skin and it shouldn´t sit on my skin and make it feel sticky. If you are like me and you have a'' allergy '' for such things, then this serum may not be for you.
Sérum je svojimi účinkami perfektné. Upokojí pokožku a dodá jej akúsi novú energiu. No žiaľ mi veľmi vadí to, že lepí a pomaly sa vstrebáva. Nechce sa mi totiž čakať pol hodinu kým si po sére nanesiem krém. Používam ho len vtedy, ak mám vyslovene podráždenú pokožku, alebo ak sa mi na pleti vyhodí akné.
Pokiaľ však hľadáte dobré sérum, ktoré sa rýchlo vstrebáva, tak toto si určite nekupujte. Nebude Vám vyhovovať a zbytočne vyhodíte 20 eur. Pokiaľ však máte veľmi citlivú pokožku a neviete si nájsť vhodné sérum, tak toto by mohlo byť niečo pre Vás. Treba však zobrať do úvahy jeho dve nedostatky. Ja osobne s ním spokojná nie som a preto som siahla po sére od MISSHA na ktorého recenziu sa môžte tešiť už čoskoro.
The serum is perfect for its effects. It soothes the skin and delivers to it some new energy. It´s great for sensitive skin and skin with acne. Unfortunately, I'm very sad because of the stickines and slow absorbtion. I don´t want to wait for half an hour to apply a cream after the serum. I only use it if I have irritated skin or if break out.
However, if you are looking for a good serum that absorbs quickly, don´t buy this one. It will not suit you and you´ll throw away 20 euros. However, if you have very sensitive skin and you cannot find the right serum, this could be something for you. But have on mind it´s major disadvantages. I´m personally not happy with this product, so I´ve reached for a MISSHA serum a there will be soon a review on it.
AN :)
The serum is perfect for its effects. It soothes the skin and delivers to it some new energy. It´s great for sensitive skin and skin with acne. Unfortunately, I'm very sad because of the stickines and slow absorbtion. I don´t want to wait for half an hour to apply a cream after the serum. I only use it if I have irritated skin or if break out.
However, if you are looking for a good serum that absorbs quickly, don´t buy this one. It will not suit you and you´ll throw away 20 euros. However, if you have very sensitive skin and you cannot find the right serum, this could be something for you. But have on mind it´s major disadvantages. I´m personally not happy with this product, so I´ve reached for a MISSHA serum a there will be soon a review on it.
AN :)
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Zdravím,pěkný článek,přemýšlím,že objednám nejspíš 2!Doma máme kytičku Aloe Vera,navečer si utrhnu list a vymačkám na pleť ,myslím,že to podle tvého článku vyjde nastejno,také je to lepkavé.Jinak krásný článek a pěkně nafocené.
ReplyDeleteBudu ráda ,když se kouknete na můj blog.Předem děkuji
Ďakujem :) no keď ti nevadí lepkavosť, tak určite si sérum kúp, pretože účinky sú skvelé
DeleteJe škoda, že ti sérum nevyhovuje, podle popisu by mohl být fajn. Také nesnáším ten lepkavý pocit. A hlavně ráno když spěchám potřebuju, aby se všechno rychle vsáklo.
Presne tak. Ráno človek potrebuje vybaviť všetko rýchlo :D
DeleteSérum vypadá dobře, ale taky nemám ráda lepivý pocit. Já teď používám sérum od Biodermy a o něm ani nevím, že ho mám na pleti.
Vďaka za tip. Určite skúsim aj Biodermu :)
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ReplyDeleteVypadá super, ale taky nemám ráda, když se něco dlouho vstřebává :)
ReplyDeletePetra | www.mygoldenmind.blogspot.cz